2. 预留充足时间进行体温检测。所有学生必须在返校前进行体温检测,确保身体健康安全。
3. 严格控制出入人员。所有学生必须遵守学校疫情防控措施,出入学校必须佩戴口罩,不得聚集、拥挤,保持社交距离。
2. 学生返校时,需携带以下材料:
(1) 学生健康状况证明:包括最近14天内的体温检测记录、学生及家长的健康情况说明等。
(2) 新冠病毒核酸检测报告:请家长确保学生已进行新冠病毒核酸检测,并提供检测报告。
(3) 返校承诺书:请学生和家长签订返校承诺书,承诺遵守学校疫情防控措施,确保身体健康安全。
3. 学生返校后,应严格遵守学校疫情防控措施,主动参与线上教学,做好个人防护,保持社交距离,不得聚集、拥挤,保持良好卫生习惯。
2. 学校将安排专门人员负责体温检测、信息登记等工作,确保学生安全返校。
3. 学校将建立24小时值班制度,及时处理突发事件。
2. 建议家长对学生进行健康教育,提醒学生注意个人防护,减少不必要的外出,尽量避免到人员密集场所。
3. 建议家长加强与学校的沟通,共同关注学生的健康状况,确保学生安全返校。
student return plan
With the gradual easing of lockdowns and the return to normal academic operations, schools have gradually implemented return-to-school plans to ensure the health and safety of their students and staff. In order to ensure the students' physical health and safety and to maintain the normal operation of the school, the following student return plan has been developed:
1.Students will return in phases. The specific time will be determined by the school based on the local situation and will be communicated to parents and students in advance. Students are required to follow the school's return policy and take a temperature test before returning to school.
2. The school will reserve enough time for students to undergo temperature testing. All students must wear masks and maintain social distancing when entering and leaving the school.
3. Students must report any health issues before returning to school. If a student has a temperature, cough, or other symptoms, they must seek medical attention in advance and provide relevant documents.
1.Before returning to school, parents must thoroughly review their child's health condition and any symptoms they may have experienced. If a student has a temperature, cough, or other symptoms, they must seek medical attention in advance and provide relevant documents.
2. Students returning to school must bring the following materials:
(1) Student health condition certificate: This includes the student's temperature and health condition record for the past 14 days, as well as a health declaration from the student or their parents.
(2) COVID-19 nucleic acid polymerase chain reaction
(NPC) test report: Students must bring a COVID-19 NPC test report from a qualified healthcare professional.
(3) Student return declaration: Students and their parents must sign a student return declaration, promising to comply with the school's return policy and maintain good personal hygiene.
3. Students returning to school must follow the school's return policy and take a temperature test when returning to school. They must also strictly adhere to the school's epidemic prevention and control measures and maintain good personal hygiene.
1.The school will strengthen its security management measures and increase its patrols to ensure the safety of the school.
2. The school will designate a special team to handle temperature testing, information registration, and other tasks, ensuring the safety of students.
3. The school will establish a 24-hour值班 system to handle unexpected events.
1.Parents should closely follow the school's notifications and actively cooperate with the school in managing the return of students.
2. Parents should educate their children about personal protective measures, reminding them to minimize unnecessary travel and avoid crowded places.
3. Parents are encouraged to communicate closely with the school to exchange information about their children's health conditions and to ensure their safety return.